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The     Splendors

of Heaven

December 4, 2017 | by AW4C

When people think of heaven most primarily think that its a boring place with white fluffy clouds, little pudgy cherubs with harps and/or unseen angels signing the "hallelujah" chorus in a serene setting and nothing much else happening... for all eternity. Heaven is way more than that, it is a very busy active place where a lot is happening in the unseen realm.  It's the dwelling place and holy habitation of our Heavenly Father, the magnificence of Jesus our Saviour & Lord, the majestic presence of the Holy Spirit, angelic/heavenly beings, the eternal abode of the righteous saints, and untold wonders and splendors for all of eternity to discover!


The Bible gives us preliminary glimpses into heaven, as well many from the past to our present-day who have been impressed upon and given by the Holy Spirit heavenly visions, dreams, encounters/experiences of the glories of heaven; for example people like apostle Paul or apostle John to present day people like Mary K. Baxter, Rev. Don Piper, or Dean Braxton. However the scripture also reminds us in (1 Corinthians 2: 9), "eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." The totality of things which our Father in heaven has prepared for us who love Him and are born-again, saved by the power and blood of Jesus, we will never know the full extent of what that is on this side of heaven but it will ultimately be uncovered and revealed throughout eternity. 


What an amazing adventure we as believers are on! By God's mercy and grace He has given us the privilege to entertain and engage the things He has prepared for us as part of our future rewards and gifts He wants us to have for all eternity.. simply because He loves us! What an awesome God we serve! Be blessed by the many articles, testimonies, stories, videos, dreams, visions, and/or prophetic encounters or experiences that will be posted. My hope is that it will encourage you to know Jesus and that heaven is real, for heaven is our home; we as believers are truly sojourners here on earth just passing through. 


~AW4C~   *(You can click on the links or the highlighted book titles for more info on the recipient of these encounters)*


video posted by Ambassador Warrior 4 Christ

Do you ever think about eternity? Do you ever consider what happens the moment after you breathe your last breath on earth? Do you ever think about where you'd spend eternity? This thought is very true, "at the moment of death whoever owns you, will come from you!" Whether it's God the Father of Life and Light, or satan the father of lies and darkness.. one will eternally claim you! If your sins have been washed away by the Blood of the Lamb, His grace, redemptive power and sacrifice on the Cross for all of mankind has been applied to your life. Do you ever wonder what heaven is like? The joy, the ecstasy, the love, the wonder, the peace, the adventure to fully explore and discover.. is what awaits for those who've said yes to Jesus! 

This is just a glimpse, a conceptualization of what heaven is like based on God's word and prophetic revelations, dreams, visions given by the Lord through His Spirit to His people. The purpose is to strengthen those who have faith in Him and to encourage those who don't know the Lord, to get to know Him and realize that there is more to life than what is experienced on this side of heaven. There's eternal life in Him and with Him because Christ is life and life eternal!


God is real! Jesus is real! The Holy Spirit is real! Heaven is real! Hell is real! Jesus is coming back much sooner than we think.. are you ready for His Return? Are you ready for what lies behind and beyond the veil? Is your heart right before the Lord? What's on earth will not last, but eternity is forever!


~ AW4C ~


video posted by Ksmiththn

Listen to the riveting testimony from a humble servant of God about his incredible journeys to the eternal realm. In this interview with Rev. Oden Hetrick, who by the grace of Almighty God has been privileged to visit Heaven many times, unveils amazing details of Heaven: The Holy City, The Tree of Life, The River of Life, Mansions, Chambers, The Throne of God, The Sea of Glass, Companionship & Intimacy, and much more!

From his earliest childhood, Rev. Oden Hetrick knew that he was being watched over by an invisible guardian angel. He knew that he was delivered many times throughout his lifetime by supernatural intervention from accidents, evil men and death. At the age of twelve, he accepted

Jesus as his Savior from sin. At sixteen he dedicated his life to God. Thereafter, he looked forward to living in Heaven forever. Due to this background and years of Bible study with fasting and prayer, he was not afraid when three angels appeared to him in the power of the Spirit of God and took him on his first visit to Heaven. Since then, God has granted him the privilege of visiting Heaven often, not out of his body, but in the Spirit just as men of the Bible visited Heaven and the Throne of God. 


Heaven is big like a planet! The city of Heaven, New Jerusalem, is foursquare as in (Revelation 21:10-16), with 12 foundations, walls of jaspar and 3 gates on each side. Over the gates are the names of the tribes of Israel. After entering the gate you go through a large bright hallway, you are greeted by an angel and then you step into the Holy Place of Heaven. This is where you see the River of Life, the Tree of Life, and the big beautiful City Mansions. The round tower you see in the center is the Holy of Holies of Heaven. This is the Throne Room of Yahweh. Around the outside of the City is an outer expanse like environs or suburbs. These suburbs are huge and are very much like earth, with mountains and valleys, trees and rivers. But unlike earth, there is nothing here to corrupt (Matthew 6:19-20 & Revelation 21:4 & 27). Also this City with suburbs was finished from the foundation of the world; it was made before the earth was created, (Hebrews 4:3 & Matthew 25:34).


Through the years, Rev. Oden Hetrick told his family about the beauties and delights of Heaven and the glories of God’s Throne but it was in the spring of 1985, God instructed him that this Heaven message be made known to this generation.


*(Link to Oden Hetrick website:*

video posted by Truthrabbit

Heaven is real place, a place where the glory of God is immense! People who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus are the ones who go to heaven. This is wonderful testimony about heaven. If you don't believe in Jesus yet, it is time to repent of your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord & Saviour, who died for your sins. He's coming!


Many ask the question, is there life after death? Rev. Richard Sigmund got involved in motor vehicle accident on Oct 17, 1974. After his tragic accident, doctors pronounced Richard Sigmund legally dead. Eight hours later, God miraculously brought him back to life on the way to the morgue. He testified what he'd seen at that time.

During those hours, God allowed him to experience the glorious beauty, heavenly sounds, sweet aromas, and boundless joys of heaven that await every believer. God then returned him back to earth with a mission to tell the world what he saw. Listen and watch the vivid account of Rev. Richard Sigmund's journey beyond the veil and be encouraged.

video posted by Truthrabbit

The late Dr. Richard Eby gives his testimony about seeing and being in Heaven, after a fatal accident, and rising from the dead to tell about it!


Dr. Richard E. Eby was a nationally recognized physician, gynecologist, and professor with a very successful practice. In 1972, he was 60 years old. When he was coming down to the second floor from the attic with a box of debris that he had collected. He dashed out and leaned against the railing which unknown to him, had been eaten away by termites. With his weight and the weight of the box, the railing gave way. He plunged headfirst two stories down onto the edge of the concrete sidewalk and his head hit on the 

concrete suddenly with great force. It resulted in complete dislocation and separation of the two halves of the skull, it caused the large blood vessel that carries the blood from the brain to the heart to rupture. His body hanging upside down, with a leg hanging on a bush, caused all the blood to drain from the body. By the time the paramedics got there, it was a bloodless body, hanging by the heels on the bush. As far as the paramedics were concerned, this was a corpse to take to the hospital for certification of death.


Right when Dr. Eby hit the cement and with no time in between, he was in a place he had never been before. He was in a place saturated with love, authority, peace, goodness and grace. He knew instinctively that was heaven.  That is all he knew the moment he landed. He looked to see where he had landed, and it was absolutely perfect. Not a flower with a broken petal, just perfect. He had landed in a place that he was immediately able to name, it was paradise. Watch, as Dr. Richard Eby describes his journey, as he was caught up into paradise!

video posted by Z3 News

Listen to this powerful testimony from Dr. Robin Harfouche. Robin went from being a rising star in the New Age world and in Hollywood as an actress, singer and dancer.  She was represented by one of the world’s top talent agencies and was one of the industries most sought after dance choreographers, but due to a freak accident, became a cripple in a wheelchair without any hope. She was given a death sentence by 23 doctors, and determined within herself to end her own life. Then she had a supernatural encounter with God. The Lord interrupted her plans at a little Hollywood church where she met Jesus and her future husband Dr. Christian Harfouche, the same night and by the grace of Almighty God 

was totally healed by the power of God. There are many examples in the Word of God of men and women having tremendous visions and revelations of the Lord. Early in her ministry, Doctor Robin found herself caught up in one such vision, when the Lord Jesus brought her to Heaven for an extremely urgent commission. In Heaven, she experienced the intense and passionate worship which is constantly brought up to God surrounding His throne. She also received direction, revelation and insight into things the Lord wanted to reveal to her, as well what He wants to do on earth as a global move by the Holy Spirit. Watch as Dr. Robin Harfouche describes her trip to Heaven!

video posted by Spirit Lessons Divine Revelations

Do you believe heaven really exists? Choo Thomas retells a stunning, riveting personal story of how she saw the living Christ, visited Hell, and walked in Heaven. Excerpt from her testimony:  "On January 19, 1996, I woke up at 3:00 in the morning. My body was shaking...I turned my head on the pillow to look in the direction of the sound, and there, all aglow, was a figure dressed in white garments. IT WAS THE LORD..." "How could this be happening to me? I wondered, as I began to tremble and to weep tears of love and joy. "My daughter...I am your Lord, and I want to talk to you. I am going to visit you many times before this work is done." The impact of His voice, His message hit me with a

supernatural force..." Not once not twice but ten times that month, the Lord Jesus appeared by her bedside and spoke to her. Then the journey began. Her book, 'Heaven is so Real' is more than just a book - it is Christ's loving message to a generation that has largely forgotten, misunderstood or is indifferent about Him. This book, or more accurately stated the message contained within, will touch your heart and soul and will challenge you to live a life of obedience and purity before the Lord like you have never done before. Be blessed by her testimony.

The 7 Columbian Youths

Together as a group, these 7 Colombian youths who were in a prayer group were taken by Jesus Christ and shown Heaven and Hell. Here is a written account of the Glories of Heaven, the unimaginable paradise prepared for obedient Christians, given by two of the youths from the group of seven. Be blessed and encouraged as they describe their journey to Heaven.


 ~ Testimony of Heaven: Esau ~


(2 Corinthians 12:2) "I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago - whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows - was caught up as far as the third heaven."

We were in the room, when we had the first experience. The room started to fill again with a light from the presence of the Lord. It was so powerful that it lit up the entire room. The room was full of His glory, it was beautiful to be before Him. 

Jesus told us, "My sons, now I will show you My Kingdom, we will go to my Glory." We took each others hands and were lifted up. I looked down and noticed that we were going out of our own bodies.  As we left our bodies we were dressed with white robes and started to go up at a very high speed. We arrived in front of a pair of doors which was the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. We were astonished at what was happening to us. Thankfully, Jesus the Son of God was there with us, along with two angels who each had four wings. The angels began to talk to us, but we didn't understand what they were saying. Their language was very different from ours, neither was it like any Earthly language.  These angels were welcoming us and they opened those immense doors.  We saw a wonderful place, with many different things.  When we came inside, a perfect peace filled our hearts. The Bible tells us that God would give us peace that surpasses all human understanding (Philippians 4:7). The first thing I saw was a deer, so I asked one of my friends, "Sandra, are you looking at the same thing I am looking at?" She was no longer crying or shouting anymore, as when we were shown Hell. She was smiling and said: "Yes Esau, I am looking at a deer!" Then I knew that everything was real, we were really in the Kingdom of Heaven. All the horrors that we saw in Hell were soon forgotten. We were there enjoying the glory of God. We went to where the deer was, behind it stood an absolutely huge tree! It was in the center of the paradise. The Bibles tells us in (Revelation 2:7) "Whoever has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. I will grant the victor to eat from the tree of life that stands in the paradise of God."

This tree is a symbol of Jesus, because Christ is Eternal Life. Behind the tree was a river of crystalline water. It was so clear and beautiful, like we never had seen before on Earth. We just wanted to stay in that place. Many times we said to the Lord, "Lord please! Do not take us out of this place! We want to be here forever! We don't want to go back to Earth!" The Lord answered us, "It is necessary that you go back to give testimony of all the things that I have prepared for those who love Me because I am coming back very soon and my reward is with Me." When we saw the river, we hurried there and got inside of it. We remembered the scripture that says that "whoever believes in the Lord, from his belly shall run rivers of living water", (John 7:38) The water from this river seemed to have life in itself, so we immersed ourselves in it.  Inside and outside of the water we could breath normally. That river was very deep and there were many different colors of fish swimming in it. The light inside and out of the river was normal; in Heaven light did not come from a specific source, everything was just brightly lit up. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus is the light of that city, (Revelations 21:23). With our hands, we took some of the fish out of the water; they didn't die. So we ran to the Lord and asked Him why; the Lord smiled and answered that in Heaven there is no more death, no more crying, and no more pain, (Revelations 21:4). We left the river and ran to every place we could find, we wanted to touch and experience everything.  We wanted to bring everything back home with us, because we were so amazed at the things in Heaven. They simply cannot be explained sufficiently with words.  When the Apostle Paul was taken to Heaven, he saw things that he could never explain with words, because of the greatness of the things in the Kingdom of Heaven, (2 Corinthians 12). There are things we saw that we have almost no way of describing. We then came to a very immense area; a very wonderful and beautiful place. This place was full of precious stones: gold, emeralds, rubies and diamonds. The floor was made of pure gold. 


We then went to a place where there were three very large books. The first one was a Bible made of gold.  In Psalms it tells us that the Word of God is eternal and that the Word of God remains in Heaven forever, (Psalms 119:89). We were looking at a huge golden Bible; the pages, the scripture, everything was made of pure gold. The second book we saw was bigger than the Bible, it was open and an angel was sitting there writing inside the book. Together with the Lord Jesus we got closer to see what the angel was writing. The angel was writing all of the things that were happening on the Earth.  Everything that has happened; including the date, the hour, everything is recorded there. This is done so the Word of the Lord can be fulfilled where it says that the Books were opened, and that the people on the Earth were judged according to their works that were written in those books (Revelations 20:12). The angel was writing all the things that people were doing here on Earth, good or bad, as it is written. We continued to the place where the third book was.  It was even bigger than the last book! The book was closed, but we got closer to it. All seven of us together took the book down from its stand, according to command of the Lord, and we put it on a pillar. The pillars and columns in Heaven are so wonderful!  They are not made like the ones on the Earth.  The columns were like a braid, they were made of different precious stones. Some were made of diamonds, others were made of pure emeralds, others were made of pure gold, and others were made of a combination of many different type of stones.  I then understand that God really is the owner of all things, as it is written in (Haggai 2:8), "The gold is mine, and silver is mine." I understood that God is absolutely rich and He owns all the riches in the world. I also understood that the world in all its fullness belongs to our God, and He wants to give it to all those who ask in faith. The Lord said, "Ask me and I will give you the nations for an inheritance." (Psalms 2:8). This book that we put on the column was so big that in order to turn a page we had to walk each page to the other side of the book.  We tried to read what was in that book, as the Lord asked us.  At first, it was difficult to read because it was written in strange characters that we could not understand.  It was different from any Earthly language; it was something totally Heavenly. But with the help of the Holy Ghost, we were given the grace to understand it. It was like a bandage was taken off our eyes and we could then understand the writing; as clear as our own language. 


We could see that all seven of our names were written in the book. The Lord told us that it was the Book of Life, (Revelations 3:5).  We noted that the names written in the book were not the names we were called on Earth; these names were new, so the Word of God can be fulfilled when it says that He would give us a new name that no one else knows but the person who receives it, (Revelations 2:17). In Heaven, we were able to pronounce our names, but once the Lord brought us back to Earth those names were taken from our memories and our hearts. The Word of God is eternal, and it has to be fulfilled. My friends, the Bible says in (Revelations 3:11), "Don't let anyone take your crown"; do not let any one to usurp or remove that place that the Father has ready for you. In Heaven, there are millions of things that are wonderful, we just can't express it with our mouths.  But I want to tell you something, "God is waiting for you!" However it is only the people that persevere until the end, who will be saved! (Mark 13:13).

~ 2nd Testimony of Heaven: Ariel ~


When we started to go up to the Kingdom of Heaven, we came to a beautiful place with precious doors.  In front of the doors were two angels.  They started to talk, but their speech was angelical and we could not understand what they were saying but the Holy Ghost gave us understanding, for they were welcoming us. The Lord Jesus put His hands on the doors and they opened.  If Jesus were not with us, we would never have been able to come inside Heaven. We began to appreciate everything in Heaven.  We saw a huge tree, the Bible describes this tree as the "Tree of Life", (Revelation 2:7). We went to a river, and saw a lot of fish inside.Everything was so amazing that my friends and I decided to go inside the water. We began to swim under that water. We saw the fish moving around and they caressed our bodies. They didn't swim away as normally happens on Earth; the presence of the Lord calmed the fish. The fish could trust us because they knew that we were not going to harm them. I was so blessed and marveled that I grabbed one of the fish and took it out of the water. What was so amazing was the fish was very quiet,

enjoying the presence of the Lord even in my hands. I put the fish back into the water. I could see in the distance that there were white horses in Heaven, as it is written in the word of God in (Revelation 19:11), "Then I saw heaven open and a white horse appeared. Its rider is called Faithful and True; justly He Judges and wages war." Those horses were the ones that the Lord will use when He comes to the Earth to take His people, His church.  I walked to the horses and began to pat them. The Lord followed me and allowed me to ride one of them. When I started to ride, I felt something that I had never felt before on Earth. I began to experience the peace, the freedom, the love, the holiness that a person can have in that beautiful place. I started to enjoy everything that my eyes could see. I just wanted to enjoy everything in that beautiful paradise that the Lord has prepared for us. 


We also could see the wedding banquet table, everything was already served.  It had no beginning or end.  We saw the chairs prepared for us. There was also crowns of eternal life that are ready to be taken by us.  We saw delicious foods that are already set, for all of those that will be invited to the Wedding of the Lamb. Angels where there with some white cloth for the cloaks that the Lord is preparing for us. I was amazed looking at all these things. The Word of God tells us that we have to receive that Kingdom of God like little children, (Mathew 18:3). When we were in Heaven we were like children.  We started to enjoy everything there; the flowers, the residences... the Lord even allowed us to go inside the residences.

Then God took us to a place that had many children. The Lord was in the middle of them and He started to play with them. He made sure to spend enough time with each of them and He enjoyed being with them. We got close to the Lord and asked Him, "Lord are these children the ones who are going to be born on Earth?" The Lord answered, "No, these children are the ones who were aborted on the Earth." Upon hearing that, I felt something inside of me that made me shake. I remembered something I had done in the past, when I did not know the Lord.  At that time, I was in a relationship with a woman and she got pregnant.  When she told me she was pregnant, I did not know what to do so I asked her for some time to make a decision.  Time passed and when I went to her to tell my decision, it was already too late because she already had an abortion. That marked my life. Even after I accepted the Lord in my heart, that abortion was something that I could not forgive myself of.  But God did something that day, He allowed me to enter that place and told me, "Ariel, do you see that girl that is there? That girl is your daughter."  When He told me that, I saw the girl, I felt the wound, I had in my soul for such long time, started to heal. The Lord allowed me to walk close to her and she got close to me. I took her in my hands and saw her 

eyes. One word I heard from her lips, "Daddy". I understood and I felt that God had mercy on me and had forgiven me, but I had to learn to forgive myself. Dear friend, whoever reads this, I want to tell you one thing. God has already forgiven your sins, now you have to learn to forgive yourself. I give thanks to God for allowing me to share this testimony with you. Lord Jesus Christ I give you the honor and glory! This testimony is of the Lord, He allowed us to receive this revelation. I hope that each one that reads this testimony shall receive also the blessing of this testimony and take it to bless many others. God bless you!

video posted by Michael Yeager

"An Angel took me into heaven. I heard words that are not lawful to speak! I stood on the sea of glass. And fell as a dead man before God!", exclaims Dr. Yeager. More of his account is recorded in his book, 'Horrors of Hell, Splendors of Heaven', where he goes into greater detail of the divine encounters he experienced.


Listen to the amazing testimony of Dr. Michael

Yeager as he describes his heavenly encounter experience when an an angel takes him

physically into an amazing dimension of beauty, and nature; upon the sea of glass, right into the very Throne Room of God; and before the thunder and lightning’s of God's Holy presence.

video posted by kvnmcinturff1

Howard Storm is a former atheist and art professor and chairman of the art department at the Northern Kentucky University. He is best known as the author of 'My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life', which details his near-death experience. Storm’s NDE is regarded as one of the most complete accounts of a distressing yet riveting near-death experience ever recorded. It includes dramatic encounters with evil spirits, a trip to hell, a rescue by Jesus, and extensive conversations with Jesus and a group of angels.


On June 1, 1985 while dying in a hospital in Paris, France he had a near-death experience (NDE) that involved being tormented in hell, calling out to 

Jesus, being saved, given a life review, and having all his questions answered. From that experience he ceased being an atheist and is now a Christian pastor, sharing his testimony nationally and internationally and through written word in the 4 books that he authored. One of the questions Rev. Howard Storm asks the Lord is, what is Heaven like? Watch this fascinating testimony for the answer that he received. 

video posted by Don Wahl

"Jesus became my Savior when I acknowledged His sacrifice for me; He became my Lord when I recognized His love for me. As a new Christian in June of 1983, I received a glimpse of Heaven. As I've shared it at times with others over the years, I've been asked to record it. I hope this revelation blesses you. I am in no way a perfect Christian, yet have found His love and grace to me over the years to be perfectly faithful. He draws me home to Him whenever I fall.


My prayer is everyone will come to the knowledge of His love and sacrifice through Jesus to come into a relationship with their Creator and experience His glory in this life and for the eternity to come! 

Jesus is the answer - the only One who makes us worthy to live with God in His great love forever!", extols Don. Listen to this wonderful testimony given from Don Wahl, as he shares his personal journey to Heaven. Be blessed and encouraged!

video posted by Truthrabbit

After thirty nights of experiencing the depths of hell, Mary K. Baxter was shown the realms of Heaven. Included are her descriptions of the order of heaven, what happens to children, and the throne of God. These breathtaking glimpses of Heaven will turn your heart toward the beauty and joy that await every believer in Christ. As Mary K. Baxter exclaims in sincere detail: 


"This book, 'A Divine Revelation of Heaven' is an account of a number of true experiences I have had with God. It is not the work of an overactive imagination or the pipe dream of someone who hopes for something better than this life has to offer. Heaven is a reality, and the experiences that I 

describe in this book are told just as they happened to me. I did not see everything there is to see in heaven - it will take eternity to do that. I do not relate everything I saw in heaven; even Paul did not do that, (see 2 Corinthians 12:1-4). But I am relating all that God has told me to share." Watch this riveting and gripping testimony of Mary K. Baxter's journey to the eternal realm. Be blessed and feel encouraged as you listen and receive a 'A Divine Revelation of Heaven'.

video posted by Heaven, Hell, Rapture and End Times

Watch and hear this amazing testimony of Kat Kerr who has been going to heaven since 1995, and describes in detail her gripping accounts. God has truly lifted the veil between Heaven and Earth. By His grace and power, she has been caught up by the Spirit of God and granted privilege to journal and illustrate what she has witnessed on the many tours of Heaven since then. 


Kat Kerr has been commissioned by the Lord to reveal what she was shown in her book, 'Revealing Heaven'. She not only visited Heaven, but was shown visions of many things that are about to take place on earth. We are entering into a 'Holy' season of Heaven being released on earth - it will change life as we know it! Be blessed.

video posted by Heaven, Hell, Rapture and End Times

On Jan 1 1972, Marvin Ford spent 30 minutes in Heaven. Here is a portion of his gripping testimony transcribed from a taped message, "I Went to Heaven", given at Reserve Church in 1978. Marvin Ford was in the hospital after having a severe heart attack, and suffering intense pain, when he comes face to face with the angel of death.


As Marvin Ford recounts, "at that point I could not take any more. I remembered the last prayer Jesus made on the cross, 'Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.' Just at that moment, my spirit left my body. The medical profession calls it a cardiac arrest. Your heart stops, and the blood no longer flows through your brain. As soon as my

spirit left my body, I saw the 'City of the Great King', which we read about in (Psalm 48:1-2). I did not go through a long tunnel. I was looking down on the most dazzling sight imaginable. The dazzling sight was beautiful, splendid, picturesque, colourful, and magnificent. But these adjectives are totally inadequate to describe this place."  Listen to this wonderful testimony as he describes his journey to Heaven, and the things he saw in the eternal realm.

video posted by HeavenVisit

Dr. David Paul Yonggi Cho shared a testimony of his associate pastor (Sang Ho Kim) who died of heart attack and was raised up a few days later. Pastor Kim saw Heaven and met his wife who recently died. He met Abraham as well and Abraham told him that Jesus is coming soon.. it is time to prepare for the rapture of the church. Jesus is coming soon!


Dr. David Yonggi Cho is Senior Pastor and founder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church, the world's largest congregation with a membership of 1,000,000 (as of 2007). Pastor Cho conducts two services of the seven services the church holds a day; they are so heavily attended that people often must arrive 

an hour early to have a seat. He was born on February 14, 1936. Raised initially as a Buddhist, David Cho who at the time was diagnosed with terminal tuberculosis, converted to Christianity at the age of 19 when a young women would visit him daily telling him about Jesus Christ. After his conversion, he subsequently had a series of spiritual experiences, including what Pentecostals call the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - during which the believer experiences glossolalia (speaking in tongues) - when he saw Jesus in a vision. Believing that God had called him to the ministry, Cho began working as an interpreter for the American evangelist Ken Tize. In 1956, he received a scholarship to study theology at Full Gospel Bible College in Seoul and he graduated from this Christian institution in March 1958.  


*(Link to Pastor David Yonggi Cho website:*

video posted by New Life Covenant Church

On May 5, 2006 Dean Braxton went to the hospital to have kidney stones removed and seemingly without warning due to complications, ended up dying. He died for almost two hours but through the power of prayer, miraculously rose from the dead.


In that time he visited Heaven, he met long lost relatives, approached and met with Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! While there Dean saw that everything is based on love, and saw that everything is fully alive. He describes how we travel in the eternal realm, our relationships with others and our families. He gives riveting detail on what our glorified bodies look like, how we communicate with one another and what Heaven looks like. Have you


Watch these two wonderful testimonial videos as Dean Braxton recounts his amazing journey to Heaven as well as answer inquisitive questions about what he saw and experienced. Be blessed and encouraged by what he shares realizing that if you give your life to Christ through repentance and as Dean Braxton retells, "Jesus sees himself in you

then you will get to go in," and enjoy the wonders and glories of Heaven prepared by our Heavenly Father for all eternity!


*(Link to Dean Braxton website:*



wondered about the afterlife, what it all entails? As he exclaims in his book, 'In Heaven! Experiencing The Throne of God' and in person, "it's not about if I died, the doctors prove that. It's about where I went, when I died!"

video posted by Truthrabbit

video posted by Production Video Tampa

Don Piper died in a terrible car accident and went straight to the gate of heaven. After many years of difficult rehabilitation, he was able to speak about his experiences in heaven. 


After a devastating car accident, Baptist minister Don Piper is pronounced dead at the scene. During the next 90 minutes, he remembers hearing beautiful music, meeting those who had a spiritual impact in his life, and experiences deep peace–until suddenly he is brought back to “real life” through another minister’s prayer in this amazing true story. Many have been blessed and encouraged by reading his inspirational true story

written in his book, '90 Minutes in Heaven'.

video posted by Roberts Liardon

You ever think about what is Heaven Like? What is there? Who is there? Or even will I go there someday? Everyone at some point in their life wonders what it is like, but few have ever visited Heaven as Roberts did when he was eight years old. In this video, Pastor Roberts Liardon shares what he saw and learned when at a young age, Jesus personally escorted him through Heaven and then ordained him to the ministry, as recounted in his book, 'I Saw Heaven'.


Listen and experience the eye-opening journey to Heaven that Roberts Liardon encountered at only eight years of age. It will change your life and challenge your destiny when you catch a glimpse of heaven yourself. Be blessed and encouraged!

video posted by AoC Network

What's Heaven like? Where is Heaven? What is the New Earth? Do we go there immediately after death? Discover the answers to these questions and many more based on Scripture, by watching this video! You will be amazed and encouraged!


There's so much that our Heavenly Father has in store for us. It's for us to remain faithful to Him by living in daily repentance and obedience to His perfect will and plan for our lives. Be blessed!

video posted by Truthrabitt

Renowned Pastor John Mulinde in Uganda with a "successful ministry" in saving many souls, many being healed and many being delivered was shocked when he saw a bright light and Jesus

appeared to him and told him "if I came today to take my Bride... I would not take you." At that moment, he said "all his theologies could not accept that," but Jesus is still saying: "I would not take you." The question remains, will you be like Him when Jesus returns?


There is so many lies and the spirit of the Anti-Christ floating around videos / FB messages / false grace preaching on the internet and in the churches that sounds good, when in fact they are absolutely false.

The devil is using these false teachings to make millions of Christians (who think they are ready to see God) to be absolutely left behind when all of this happens (ie: the Rapture, the Anti-Christ coming to power & the Great Tribulation), which will be anytime now..for time is almost over! Please watch the whole testimony and examine yourself/your christian walk today, for it will really make you think and hopefully bring you to your knees in humility and deep repentance. Be blessed.

Love to hear your thoughts and perspectives. Please leave a message in the comments area on any of the videos you may have viewed in this section of the blog. God Bless! 

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